Say Goodbye To “Metal Mouth”

Say Goodbye To “Metal Mouth”

When it comes to self-confidence, your teeth and smile have a lot to do with how you feel. Not having the smile you want can make you more hesitant to talk to people and less likely to go after the things you want in life. And while many women consider their smile something they’d like to fix about themselves, many don’t consider getting their teeth straightened as an adult. “Metal mouths” may immediately bring to mind preteens and teenagers, but metal braces aren’t your only option. There are clear aligners that are barely visible, and even metal braces are less visible and more comfortable than they used to be.


Improving the look of your smile may be your main reason for looking into teeth straightening, but there are many more benefits if you choose to get your teeth straightened. For example, straight teeth help people chew, bite and speak more effectively. They also contribute to healthier teeth and gums, making it easier for your dental floss, toothbrush and mouthwash to do their jobs. Not only that, but there are plenty of mental and social benefits. A nice smile boosts self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image, which can lead to more social and career success.


These days, technology has revolutionized the teeth-straightening industry. Gone are the days of chunky metal appliances and mazes of rubber bands. Today, the traditional metal and bracket wire system involves brackets that are much smaller and can be tooth-colored so they’re less noticeable, as well as smaller rubber bands. They allow an orthodontist to use a wide range of techniques to move the teeth, making them effective for even complicated cases. Clear aligners, like Invisalign, involve clear trays that fit over your teeth and can be removed whenever you want, like while you eat or when you brush your teeth. Every two weeks you change the tray you’re using to one that is closer to your end result. They’re good if you don’t need extensive correction and are committed to wearing the trays.
