Can Ear Wax Cause Jaw Pain? Here's What Dentists Have to Say

Can Ear Wax Cause Jaw Pain? Here's What Dentists Have to Say

15 August 2024

15 August 2024

15 August 2024

Human bodies are complex networks of interconnected systems, each having its own mechanism to carry out their function. Sometimes, problems in one area can be interconnected to another system or manifest in seemingly unrelated ways. 

While doctors are the best professionals to conclude if pain in one area can result from an underlying condition in another part of the body, one common connection that people try to unfold is the link between ear wax and jaw pain. 

In this blog, our dentists at the Invisalign Center have given a detailed guide answering the question can ear wax can cause jaw pain and assess its underlying factors and symptoms to watch out for, along with effective treatment options.

Understanding Ear Wax (Cerumen)

Before discussing the topic, it is best to understand what ear wax is and its role in the human body. 

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal. Its key function is to protect our ears from outside foreign particles like dust and dirt. 

They also have a role to play with antibacterial properties, reducing the cause of infections- and keeping the delicate skin of the ear canal moisturised and preventing it from becoming dry and itchy.

Under healthy conditions, ear wax moves out of the ear canal naturally and gets washed away. In other cases, ear wax can build up, leading to blockage. 

While ear wax is important to protect our ears, excessive accumulation can lead to a variety of issues - some of which include hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and, yes, even jaw pain.

Knowing these basics is important in unfolding the answer to the question: can ear wax cause jaw pain. 

Finding the Connection 

While the answer to the question, can ear wax cause jaw pain, is clear, it is important to break down how they connect. In general, ear wax causes jaw pain because of the close and interconnected nature of the ear, jaw, and surrounding structures. 

To give a more detailed perspective, here are four ways in which ear wax can lead to jaw pain. 

  1. Impacted Ear Wax  

When ear wax  builds up in the ear, it can reach a point where the ear can no longer clear naturally, causing a condition called impacted ear wax. Our ears are designed to clean themselves, but when there is too much ear wax buildup, the hairs transporting this cerumen out of the ear no longer function. 

When impacted ear wax  results in an infection, it can spread to the sinuses. This, in turn, can radiate pain to the head, teeth, and even the jaw. This is how impacted ear wax may result in jaw pain for some people.

Not to mention, impacted ear wax is one of the key reasons that can cause jaw pain. 

  1. Ear Wax  Buildup And Pressure 

When the ear canal accumulates too much ear wax, it eventually creates pressure, which can radiate to the jaw. This happens due to the close anatomical relationship between the ear and jaw structures. 

In other words, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is the structure that connects the jaw to the skull, is located close to the ear canal. So, as you might be able to guess, the buildup pressure from ear wax  can cause discomfort near the jaw, contributing to pain. 

  1. Nerve Pathways

Another significant connection between the ear and jaw is that they share the same nerve pathways. In biological terms, the trigeminal nerve and the auriculotemporal nerve are responsible for sensation in both the jaw and the ear. 

When ear wax  accumulates in the ear and causes irritation or allergies, it can trigger pain along these common nerve pathways which can come across as jaw pain. 

  1. Referred Pain

The question can ear wax cause jaw pain is sometimes linked to the concept of referred pain. This is where pain originating in one area of the body is felt or triggered in another. 

In this case, pain generated from ear wax  buildup can be radiating or felt in the jaw due to shared nerve connections. The probability of referred pain is high if the ear wax  is impacted or causes inflammation. 

Symptoms of Jaw Pain Caused by Impacted Ear Wax 

Here are a few symptoms that can help you identify impacted ear wax and if they are the key contributor to jaw pain. 

  • Dull or Aching Pain in the Jaw Joint or Surrounding Muscles

Impacted ear wax can cause pressure buildup on the surrounding tissues. This pressure radiates to the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint or TMJ) and the muscles around it - which may result in persistent, dull, or aching pain in the jaw area.

  • Difficulty Opening or Closing the Mouth Fully

Sometimes, excessive ear wax buildup can interfere with the normal functioning and movement of the jaw. This can manifest as being unable to fully open or close the mouth due to stiffness or discomfort in the area. 

  • Clicking or Popping Sounds When Chewing or Moving the Jaw

Alongside movements, impacted ear wax can alter the alignment of the jaw. If this is the case, you will notice clicking, clicking, popping, or grating sounds when you chew, speak, or move your jaw.

  • Ear Pain When Swallowing

In some cases, impacted ear wax can extend to the throat area, causing referred pain. In these situations, swallowing can aggravate the discomfort, causing ear pain. 

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Can ear wax cause jaw pain or not depends on a person's profile, and the treatment approach as with any other condition, is always personalized. 

At Invisalign Center, our dentists assess the ear wax blockage by performing a physical examination. Generally, this assessment is done using an otoscope, a special tool that magnifies the ear canal, making it easy to inspect it. The otoscope allows visualization of the eardrum and any cerumen impaction that might obstruct it.

The treatment option will primarily focus on clearing the blockage and relieving the jaw discomfort. It is important to emphasize that only professional dentists can perform safe ear wax removal using medically safe techniques. Avoid inserting objects into the ears, as this only worsens the situation. 

Some commonly used methods to remove ear wax and alleviate jaw pain include ear wax softening, irrigation or manual removal. Our dentists will also give you a detailed guide on lifestyle modifications that can prevent the buildup of ear wax in the future. 

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