Invisalign allows for greater oral hygiene

Invisalign allows for greater oral hygiene

1 Sept 2016

1 Sept 2016

1 Sept 2016

invisalign allows for greater oral hygiene

According to a survey conducted by the Dubai Health Authority, most school children in Dubai suffer from poor oral health. In fact, 57% of 15 – 17 year old’s have unhealthy gums.*

With these alarming statistics in mind, the Invisalign Center is reminding all school children in Dubai (and their parents) about the importance of not only daily brushing and flossing, but also regular visits to the dentist.

If your dentist recommends teeth straightening treatment, it is important to know that Invisalign treatment allows for much greater oral hygiene when compared to traditional metal braces, due to the fact that the aligners can be removed when brushing and flossing. With traditional metal braces, it is very difficult to properly clean in between teeth, therefore increasing the chance of poor oral health.


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