Is It Too Late For Me To Get The Invisalign Treatment?

Is It Too Late For Me To Get The Invisalign Treatment?

7 Jun 2018

7 Jun 2018

7 Jun 2018

Is It Too Late For Me To Get The Invisalign Treatment

Some patients who are adults are concerned about their misaligned teeth and wonder if they can still fix them. With the Invisalign aligners you will always have the opportunity to correct dental flaws and straighten your teeth. The Invisalign treatment is an effective option for your orthodontic irregularities.

One of the hardest things young children have to do is to wear traditional metal braces. This results in kids being embarrassed and anxious about their appearance. But, this is no longer the case. Technology has advanced orthodontic treatments and with clear and removable Invisalign aligners you no longer have to feel shy about wearing them in public.

While straighter teeth will enhance your appearance it will also improve your oral health. Straighter teeth will reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. It is because brushing and flossing crooked teeth is difficult and often not complete. And when food particles get stuck in-between your teeth it leaves you at risk for bacteria to develop over time and result in cavities.

Straighter teeth have a positive impact on your personal and professional life. An attractive smile is something people like to show off. The Invisalign aligners are more cosmetically friendly, convenient and achieve the results you may be looking for. Most treatments can be completed in just 12 months (depending on the severity of the treatment and the compliance of the patient).

It is suitable for any age and with the Invisalign aligners you have the opportunity to remove it temporarily for occasions and special days. Eating your favorite food is no longer an issue with the Invisalign aligners. It will have no impact on your social life or commitments. There is also minimal discomfort involved as compared to metal wires that often cause more discomfort to the patient.

You must practice self-discipline during the Invisalign treatment. Do not forget to put back your aligners after meals or when you go to bed. Invisalign aligners must be worn up to 22 hours a day.

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