How To Cure TMJ Permanently According To Orthodontists

How To Cure TMJ Permanently According To Orthodontists

15 July 2024

15 July 2024

15 July 2024

Let’s face it: teeth and jaw pain are some of the most discomforting feelings to manage. Aside from being painful, it can have a direct impact on our diet, lifestyle, and overall mood. 

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is one such jaw issue that many tend to experience. The good news is that TMJ is more common than you might think.  It’s twice as common in women than men and mainly affects women aged 35-44. It is also believed that TMJ is the second most painful and chronic condition after back pain. 

The advancement of research, studies, medications, and dental technology has now made it possible to find a cure for almost any dental complication, including TMJ. 

In this article, our orthodontists will reveal effective methods and solutions on how to cure TMJ permanently. 

What is TMJ Disorder?

Before getting into managing TMJ and curing it permanently, it is best to understand what exactly this condition is, its root causes, and symptoms to identify it at the onset. 

TMJ disorder, also known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is a combination of two words that describe the specific condition relating to the jaw. TMD describes the disorder, and TMJ describes the temporomandibular joint that experiences the disorder. 

The temporomandibular joint is where the lower jaw meets the base of the skull. It is essential for chewing, eating, speaking, yawning, and moving the jaw.

You have two TMJs, one on either side of your jaw and one below each ear.  Place your fingers just in front of your ears and open your mouth, you can feel these joints moving. 

TMD covers more than 30 conditions that affect the movement and function of the jaw joint. These conditions can cause a clicking jaw, pain, and problems with movement in the jaw joint and muscles.

What Are The Two Types Of TMJ?

TMJ disorders are of two types. Anybody trying to understand how to cure TMJ permanently should have some basic knowledge of the type they are experiencing. This makes it easy to address the exact complication. 

Each of these TMJ types comes with different symptoms. You may have one or both these types of TMJ at the same time. Here is a simple breakdown of the two types of TMJ and what you need to know about them. 

1. Disorders Of The Jaw Joint

This type of TMD involves joint pain, bone damage, and disc disorders. It is when the disc that cushions your jaw is positioned in the wrong place, causing pain and swelling. 

2. Disorders Of The Jaw Muscles

This type involves disorders of the muscles you use for chewing, known as masticatory muscles. If you have this type of TMJ, you will experience localised pain that feels worse when you apply pressure to the sore area of the jaw. 

How To Cure TMJ Permanently

Before trying to understand how to cure TMJ permanently, it is important to emphasise that jaw pain can occur due to many reasons. It does not necessarily have to be TMJ. 

The treatment options also may differ from one to another. Below is a breakdown of treatment suggestions, starting from first-line defence to when surgery might be necessary. 

Noninvasive Treatments as the First Line of Defence

For some, especially those who have been experiencing TMJ at the early stages, it is possible to cure it permanently through non-invasive methods.  Some of them include:

Some orthodontists may also recommend muscle-relaxing treatments like dental Botox for long-term relief from TMJ. For this treatment, the dentist injects the medication into the clenching muscles of the jaw and relaxes them, which can reduce the tension and alleviate the pain.

Consider Surgery 

It is important to mention that surgery as the next best option will only be recommended if non-invasive treatments have not proved effective. Only your dentist can assess your condition and advise you if invasive procedures like surgery are the best option. 

Surgeries for TMJ may include removal of joint fluid, open joint surgery, or others. However, remember that surgery is usually treated as a last resort, but it can provide substantial relief for patients with severe, unyielding symptoms.

Make Lifestyle Changes 

Understanding how to cure TMJ permanently should always start with the discipline to implement healthy lifestyle changes that support the optimal function of your jaw. In fact, it is an important part of managing TMJ or any type of jaw pain. 

Certain lifestyle changes can offer long-term relief for jaw pain. These include consuming a healthy diet with softer foods that cause less strain on the jaw muscles and joints. Try to avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods, which can put more pressure on jaw pain points. 

Stay hydrated and ensure your diet has enough calcium and magnesium to contribute to muscle health.

Stress Management

While often overlooked, poor stress management can be a significant factor causing TMJ and related jaw pain. It can also contribute to teeth grinding and clenching. Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can be integral in reducing stress and reducing TMJ symptoms.

Practice Self-Care for Your Jaw 

While understanding how to cure TMJ permanently, it is important to acknowledge that not everybody goes through the same issue. The complexity and the best treatment that can provide permanent or long-term solutions to any health condition can only be assessed and recommended by a reliable dentist or orthodontist. 

On your part, you can ensure proper self-care for your jaws. Incorporating jaw exercises, massage, and cold/hot therapy can relax the muscles, lose tension, and help with pain management. 

Pointing a permanent cure for TMJ might be a complex goal, but a multifaceted approach to its management can significantly reduce its impact on your quality of life.

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