How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last? Is It Worth The Cost?

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last? Is It Worth The Cost?

31 May 2024

31 May 2024

31 May 2024

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last - Is It Worth The Cost

Thanks to technological developments, cosmetic and medical dentistry have undergone major transformations over the years for the better. While many teeth and oral concerns now have sustainable treatments, the ability to achieve one's dream smile through modern dental technology stands out as a breakthrough in dentistry. 

From teeth whitening and implants to Invisalign and veneers, no dental concern is too complex to treat today, whether it is for functional or aesthetic reasons. 

Veneers, in particular, have emerged as one such treatment that has gained significant popularity in recent years. Advances in dental technology, including digital imaging and CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing), have enhanced the precision and customization of veneers, which would have been nearly impossible a few years back. 

Personalised veneers can replicate the natural shape, size, and even the colour of one's teeth, making them look and feel as natural as possible. 

This has contributed to their growing popularity among both patients and dentists. In fact, the increasing demand for dental aesthetics, combined with rising disposable income, is believed to significantly boost the global dental veneer market over the coming years

However, as with any new dental procedure, those opting to get veneers have certain doubts that weaken their confidence in proceeding with this treatment. One such question is understanding how long do porcelain veneers last and if they are worth the cost. 

This article will give a detailed answer to this question and other value propositions you need to be aware of before getting this treatment. 

Understanding Veneers

Before discussing how long porcelain veneers last, it would be best to understand the broader picture of veneers and their purpose. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of the teeth, primarily to improve their aesthetic appearance. 

They are part of cosmetic dental procedures that focus on enhancing smiles by addressing dental issues

Apart from cosmetic or aesthetic purposes, veneers can also be used for discolouration, chips and cracks, gaps between teeth, minor alignments, and worn down teeth. 

Veneers are of two types, categorised by the materials they are made from (1) porcelain veneers and (2) composite veneers. Each type has its own set of characteristics and benefits. 

Here is a side-by-side comparison of composite vs porcelain veneers based on key factors: 

  1. Material 

Composite veneers are made from a composite resin material that is directly applied and sculpted onto the teeth. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are made from medical-grade ceramic that is custom-made in a dental laboratory.

  1. Aesthetics 

When it comes to the aesthetics of composite veneers, they are less natural than porcelain, although the colour can be matched to one's teeth. In contrast, porcelain veneers closely mimic the natural appearance and enamel of the teeth, giving a natural and life-like look.

  1. Durability 

Composite veneers are less durable and are highly prone to staining and chipping. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are high durable and are well-known for their resistance to stains and chips. 

  1. Procedure 

For composite veneers, the procedure can be completed in a single visit and takes a very straightforward approach. The resin material is applied directly to the tooth, shaped, and hardened with a curing light.

For porcelain veneers, it takes two visits. The procedure involves taking impressions of the teeth and making them in a dental lab. 

  1. Cost 

Composite veneers are more cost-effective than porcelain veneers. The high cost of porcelain veneers is directly correlated with their high durability and natural results. 

  1. Maintenance 

Anyone choosing composite veneers may have to go through regular maintenance and frequent touch-ups and replacements. However, porcelain veneers requires only regular brushing and flossing. No frequent touch-ups or follow-ups are needed.

Why Many Choose Porcelain Veneers

Why Many Choose Porcelain Veneers

Although porcelain veneers come at a slightly higher cost than composite veneers, many people continue to choose them because of two primary reasons: Results that look and feel natural and need for low maintenance that comes with high durability, making the investment worth it. 

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last

On average, porcelain veneers last 10-15 years. However, anyone disciplined enough to take proper care and maintenance can expect to make them last even longer, up to 20 years or, in some cases, even more. This estimation is in comparison to composite veneers that on average lasts 5-10 years only. 

Why Do They Last Longer? 

Porcelain as a material is better equipped to endure the inevitable daily wear and tear to which our teeth are prone. Porcelain is harder than natural tooth enamel, so it’s able to withstand a lot of daily usage while still maintaining its integrity. 

Dental laboratories use this high-grade porcelain coupled with advanced technology to create veneers that replicate the natural shape of one's teeth and shape- and for them to remain firm under intense stress. 

These veneers are then cemented onto the teeth for an immovable seal, ensuring years of dependable support. 

Some people choose lumineers, which are made from a type of porcelain (Cerinate) as their material, but this is much thinner, making it much more prone to wear and breakage. 

One of the main reasons why people fancy this material is because of their thin nature that eliminates the need for teeth-shaving. 

While this may sound convincing, it is not as tough and can easily break or chip, reducing its longevity. Composite resin veneers are considered the least durable type of veneer as they’re made from layers of tooth-coloured filling material. This feature gives porcelain veneers a clear win over longevity. 

However, many factors affect the durability of porcelain veneers. So, anyone looking to extend the lifespan of porcelain veneers and get the most out of their investment should pay attention to these factors as closely as possible. 

Factors Influencing Longevity

  • Materials: Make sure the veneers are made from high-quality materials that can guarantee durability. 

  • Skills of your cosmetic dentist: Make sure you are getting treatment from a reliable cosmetic dentist with the right expertise, like at the Invisalign Center. Improper veneer placement can cause them to crack. 

  • The reputation of the clinic: The use of the right and effective technology plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the quality and longevity of porcelain veneers. 

  • The state of your teeth prior to installation: Some dentists believe the state of one's teeth prior to getting a veneer may affect the lifespan.

  • Oral hygiene: Twice-daily brushing and flossing are important to keep veneers long-lasting. 

  • Maintenance and checkups: Have dental checkups and cleanings every six months. 

  • Mouth protection: Anyone playing a contact sport should wear a mouthguard to protect their veneers from chipping or breaking.

  • Tooth grinding: Grinding your teeth can put excessive pressure on your veneers. If you’re prone to grinding your teeth when you sleep, wear a nighttime mouthguard to protect your veneers.

  • Care with hard food: It is necessary to avoid biting down on foods like hard candies, ice, or nuts often. Also, try to avoid using teeth as tools to open objects. 


How to Make It Last Longer

The best way to make porcelain veneers last longer is by paying close attention to the factors that affect their durability. Apart from this, the following can also help with prolonging the life of porcelain veneers, helping to get the most out of your investment: 

  • Brush twice daily with a fluoride-based toothpaste. Avoid harsh chemical toothpaste, especially those with baking soda, peroxide, or other whitening agents.

  • Floss every day. Plaque can build up along the edges of veneers and on surrounding teeth, causing infections and other dental concerns down the line. 

  • Using an alcohol-free antiseptic mouthwash on a daily basis can help kill oral bacteria further and keep your natural teeth healthy and strong.

  • Avoid compulsive chewing behaviours that can chip the veneers or damage them.  Don’t chew on pencils, fingernails, ice cubes, or any other hard objects.

  • Avoid hard and sticky foods that are difficult to chew with veneers. 

  • Anyone experiencing grinding or involved in contact sports should use a mouth guard.

  • Avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products.

  • If you experience any issues with the veneers, visit your dentist right away. 

  • Always be strict with bi-annual dental checks.

Making the Right Choice 

Anyone trying to understand how long do porcelain veneers last and whether they are worth it should keep in mind that choosing the right clinic and dentists is the key foundation to increasing the lifespan of this cosmetic procedure and in getting the maximum benefit out of it. 

So take charge and make the right choice today with Invisalign Center!


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